Monday, April 23, 2012

Whats New!

So Whats New at Queens Image Photography?

So many things have changed lately...including the birth of Talal, my sweet baby boy!

I couldn't believe that the last post on here was from last summer! I thought to myself, what in the world have I been doing to neglect my web blog! Well, I have been pretty busy actually with the pregnancy, traveling to Jordan and Turkey, and then later the birth of my son! 

I worked up until it was just embarrassing to try, because of a big pregnant tummy so I would love to share a few of the beautiful shoots with you!

I also had the pleasure of a few Senior photo shoots! It's that time of year and it's not too late to book for your Senior pics too! 

Last but certainly not least...Newborn and Baby photos!!!

Here's Mary, Babar, and their son Daanish!

And a few shots of my own family! 

Hassan and Baby Talal and myself of course...